Monday, October 6, 2014

Coffee Blessings

At this moment I am sitting in an artsy little coffee shop, attempting to finish my homework as I sit across from a dear friend of mine. We laugh together, share embarrassing secrets and have meaningful heart-to-heart conversations. This girl means so much to me and I am so blessed to have this friendship. A year ago I moved to a college 3 hours away from my hometown and the amount of people I knew I could count on one hand. At that time I would have never imagined that today I would be sitting here with such a close friendship with the girl across from me. Honestly, I just realized how much God has blessed me in this past year and I am so thankful for everything that he has done in my life. I'm thankful that even though he is the God of the entire universe, he cares that I have solid, loving, Christian friends at college too.
It's a happy heart kind of day.

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