Friday, May 23, 2014

And it begins!

I have always been fascinated by the idea of writing down my own thoughts and ideas. This really shouldn't be surprising to me, seeing as my Grandma has kept meticulous daily diaries for the past, well, quite a few decades. Needless to say, my own attempts at journaling usually seemed to fail within the first couple weeks of starting. It wasn't until this past summer that I actually started to regularly write down events in my life. It was my first year on staff of a summer camp and my experience was so incredible that I felt this tremendous urge to write everything down, lest I forget all that happened. It didn't take me long to realize that a personal journal could only do so much. There were so many other things that I wanted to share with everybody! Unfortunately for me, my broadcast options were limited to a post on facebook or a 140 character tweet. That, my friend, is how I ended up here: writing to you. I’m not really sure what kind of form this blog will take.
I can, however, tell you some things that I do know about myself.
  • I am a psychology student at a decently-sized Midwestern college.
  • I probably drink a little too much coffee. (If thats even possible)
  • I love photography even though I only have time to just dabble on the side right now.
  • I am an avid crocheter. I learned in under 5 minutes and finished my first project, a full size afghan, by the end of that same summer.
  • I have an incredible boyfriend that I honestly don’t know what I would do without.
  • I have a passion for music, whether its playing or listening to it.
  • I love Jesus Christ with all that I am. He has the one and only spot in my heart.
I am very excited to see what this blog transforms into and where it takes me!

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